Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Green Awards

The Committee would like to recognize the individual/group efforts to make Suffolk more environmentally-responsible. Bravo to the following Green Award recipients:

Faye Laurenso - for significantly reducing paper consumption by the Graphic Arts Dept.
Mary Ryder - for getting rid of styrofoam and stocking organic products in the cafeteria
Math & Science support staff - for reducing paper waste by the Department

P.S. If you know someone who should be recognized please let the Committee know through email or suggestion to the suggestion box.

Green Bag Sale

Please come show your support for the Campus Environment Committee at the Multicultural Thanksgiving at 11:30 a.m. on November 20th! The bags are reusable, recyclable and cost $5 each. All proceeds benefit our Committee Scholarship fund, which will be offered for the first time this spring!